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At Greenside, the National Curriculum serves as the foundation of our approach. Rooted in the principles of academic rigour and holistic development, our curriculum encompasses core subjects like English, mathematics, and science, alongside foundation subjects such as history, geography, art and design, music, physical education, computing, and languages. These subjects are integral to nurturing creativity, cultural awareness, and physical well-being amongst our pupils.

Inspiration through Innovation

At Greenside, we proudly inspire, nurture, and challenge our pupils through an innovative learning model of food, film, and fun. Our rich, diverse curriculum enables our pupils to express themselves as creative, independent, and resilient learners.

Green Curriculum at the Heart

Our Green Curriculum is central to Greenside, instilling environmental consciousness and sustainability practices in every aspect of school life. From recycling initiatives to outdoor learning experiences, we emphasise the importance of caring for our planet and preparing pupils to become responsible global citizens.  We promote learning experiences linked to food and nature within all aspects of our curriculum.  Our Green Curriculum makes learning about the natural world more than a single subject specific lesson a week, or an opt-in extra-curricular offering - it is integrated into everything. By fostering a sense of environmental stewardship from an early age, our school is sowing the seeds of a more sustainable and conscientious community for years to come.

English Through Books and Films

English learning at Greenside is uniquely enriched through the lens of literature and film. By exploring both classic and contemporary works of literature, as well as cinematic adaptations, pupils gain a deeper appreciation for storytelling, language, and cultural diversity. This interdisciplinary approach fosters critical thinking and analytical skills while enhancing pupils' ability to articulate their ideas effectively.

Integration of Technology

We are honoured to be recognised as an Apple Distinguished School, showcasing our commitment to integrating technology seamlessly into our curriculum. Technology plays a crucial role at Greenside, empowering our pupils to engage in collaborative learning, enhance their problem-solving skills, and prepare for the digital challenges of the future.